Is boosting your immune system on your mind these days? Chances are, you say, “Yes!”

Is boosting your immune system on your mind these days? Chances are, you say, “Yes!”

Is boosting your immune system on your mind these days?  Chances are, you say, “Yes!”  

Multiple things boost our immunity, but nutrition tops this list.  The most popular of immune boosting nutrients is clearly Vitamin C, and as such, you would assume that we consume adequate amounts. 
However, research indicates that deficiency of this vitamin is relatively common in the US, being the fourth leading nutrient deficiency. 


Deficient in Vitamin C?

We have very little storage capacity for Vitamin C, so we rely on a small but steady daily supply to meet our needs.  To understand our Vitamin C well-being we need to apply the law of supply and demand.
Since we are not storing much Vitamin C, supply has to match demand, or we become temporarily deficient.  In other words, if demand increases, we need more supply.  If the supply is short, we risk temporary deficiency.
Things affecting the supply include poor food choices, diet restrictions, and economic hardships.  The demand for Vitamin C depends on lifestyle factors (environmental toxins, smoking, alcohol, drug abuse, etc.) and illnesses that stresses the immune system. 
What are some of these illnesses that affect the immune system and Vitamin C needs?  You probably guessed it---- respiratory illness!
When it comes to the good old common cold, research indicates that Vitamin C reduces its severity and duration. Supplementation with as little as 200 mg/d and up to 1000 mg/d accomplishes this.
Other respiratory issues such as acute lung infection and pneumonia have been shown to improve with vitamin C supplementation.  Even low dose levels (250-800 mg/d) have been shown to reduce hospital stays in pneumonia patients. 
Elderly people have been shown to possess low levels of Vitamin C, and some research indicates low Vitamin C levels make them more susceptible to infectious illnesses.
Beyond respiratory illness Vitamin C plays an important role in reducing the oxidative stress of chronic disease, including Type 2 Diabetes.
Bottom Line: 
Vitamin C is a friend we need for this season and beyond.  Consider how you might increase your intake of it.
Make food your priority when thinking nutrition, only add supplements when appropriate. 
And now is an appropriate time for a Vitamin C supplement.  I am certainly taking one!

Vitamin C Fruits Currently Available in the Stores:

  • Grapefruit
  • Oranges
  • Clementine
  • Tangerines
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwis

Coming next:

  • Having you planted any Vitamin C lately?
  • Giving Vitamin C some TLC.

Have a joy filled week,

Mary Lou

Sources for this article

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Vitamin C for preventing and treating pneumonia.

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Vitamin C Supplementation Slightly Improves Physical Activity Levels and Reduces Cold Incidence in Men with Marginal Vitamin C Status: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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