Great American Smokeout encourages people to live smoke free

Great American Smokeout encourages people to live smoke free

Shay Holbrook, RN, BSN, CDCES

Tobacco use can increase the risk for numerous diseases and conditions. Quitting isn’t easy. It takes time and a plan. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen in one day, but it starts with day one. There is no better time to quit than on November 17th during the Great American Smokeout event. Milton Wear is an example of how quitting is possible as he celebrated 4 years being smoke-free on November 5. 

Wear, former smoker of 38 years, said he decided it was time to quit for his wife, kids and grandson. Although Wear quit cold turkey, he did try a couple resources available to those who decide to quit. He completed a trial of Chantix as well as the nicotine patch, although neither worked well for him. Providers at Gothenburg Health are happy to sit down with patients to determine the best pharmacological route to meet the patient’s needs and increase his or her chances of quitting smoking.

Wear said he noticed almost immediately the amount of energy he got back, and later on down the road the improvement of breathing and quality of life lifted his spirits and drove him towards his new, smoke-free life. Keeping busy and not thinking about smoking as well as soaking in the increased time he would have with his family encouraged him to keep tobacco free, he said.

“It is hard to quit, but if you really want to quit, you can do it. There are withdrawal symptoms, and you’ll have those temptations to use tobacco, but those cravings will go away. Just remember who you’re quitting for,” Wear said. 

Gothenburg Health has resources available for those who want an increased quality of life, better breathing, reduced risks for certain cancers and a smoke-free life. For more information, contact Shay at or 308-537-1009.


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