The Nail that Sticks Out gets Hammered Down

The Nail that Sticks Out gets Hammered Down

 “The Nail That Sticks Out Gets Hammered Down”
(aka: Duck your head)
By Mary Lou Block RDN LMNT
     “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down” is a Japanese proverb used to describe conformity in the Japanese culture.  But in our present Covid Culture, it might be used as a poignant warning.  That is, if you want to avoid Covid, now is a good time to duck your head!
     So I ask you, “Are you ducking your head by staying out of the grocery store these days?  Or at least trying to limit the time you are in them?”
     Besides cooking scrappy, ordering on-line, or getting a curb-side delivery, try an organized list to expedite your mask-wearing-grocery-store-trips! 
     Lists sound obvious, but are often overlooked by most people, including me!  My excuse:  I don’t want to take the time to write them, I like the free-style approach to life and shopping!  
     Admitting that, I have to say, this Covid-thing has forced a bit more organization on me, and I have actually enjoyed my grocery list!
     If you relate to my list aversion, here are some simple ideas to get you moving in this direction:
  1. Know what items you need.  Keep a running list posted on the refrigerator.  And don’t go until your list justifies a trip! When you go, stick to your list.
  2. Organize your list by sections of the store.  Do you know that the coffee is in the same aisle as milk?  Group these items together on your shopping list.  This way you can move through each section of the store quickly!
  3. In the store, avoid shopping from on-line recipes.  You might actually be racking up extra store-time as you repeatedly search the recipe ingredient list.
  4. Make a menu for one week’s-worth of meals.   Your plan can include partial or entire days.  Don’t forget snacks.  Formulate your shopping list from this menu.
  1. Helps reduce time contemplating what to cook for tomorrow.
  2. Helps reduce retracing your steps in the store.
  3. Helps lower spending because you don’t impulse buy (at least as much!).
     Remember:  Your list can be used on-line or in the store! 
     My Covid experience has brought me the humble realization that I often make many unnecessary trips to and purchases in the grocery store.  I have to admit, my current menus aren’t the same quality they always are, but I am finding I am able to make good use of pantry and freezer items I forgot I owned.  That’s a win-win for my budget and for ducking my head.
     Are you ducking yours?
     Want a healthy and affordable menu and automated grocery store list?  Reach out to me at the hospital.


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