Now that you have your goals in hand, how do you negotiate the food choices this holiday season?


              As you go through the holidays, focus on things that bring you pleasure in relationships, activities, and the meaning of the season. 
              When you do choose to eat food you would normally not eat, enjoy it, but limit the amount.  Reign in your next selections to accommodate for the extra.  You will be happy you did when the holidays come to an end.
Push away.
              A very effective strategy for handling holiday meals, is to simply push away from:
              1)  Your plate.  Very simply, this means you don’t have to finish what you took.
              2)  The table. 
              Sounds crazy, but when you squash the temptation for a few seconds, you send a firm finished-signal to yourself and others.  Place your used napkin in the center, and your silverware in the 4 o’clock position of your plate.  Next, slide the plate away from the edge of the table so you can comfortably position your elbows on the table, with your after-dinner coffee cup between.   You send a clear message of completion and look ready to engage in conversation.
1)  If you are going to eat something sweet, go for traditional or homemade foods. Why waste your calories and carbohydrates on a piece of candy you can purchase from the store any time of year?
2)  Size.  Remember this is an extended season!  Prioritize what you want to eat for the entire time.  If each event or meal becomes a sampling priority, you will have multiple calories and grams of carbohydrate to account for come January 1.  Pace yourself and your portion sizes.
Fuel before you go.
              Don’t forget to arm yourself when you go to a party.  If you eat a healthy protein and fat snack prior to a party, you are much less likely to over-indulge when you arrive.
Focus on fantastic options.
1)  Be the friend to bring a healthy vegetable salad or relish plate and whole fat dip.  You and your friends will treasure the option!
2)  Survey the table before you begin to fill your plate.   Be reasonable in your selections and avoid duplicates.
3)  Fill your plate with an abundance of fresh veggies and dips or foods high in protein and healthy fat, especially if you are following a low carb eating plan.
All the above, are part of your strategy.  Like every good and hopefully successful strategy, planning and thoughtfulness go into it.   Good luck and best wishes in the Christmas Season.


Mary Lou Block is a Registered Dietitian at Gothenburg Health. To learn more please reach out to Mary Lou: or (308)-537-3661.

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