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Nutrition Blog

It seemed my mother was frequently dieting and yet my father sometimes remembered her with a gift box of chocolates. As counter-intuitive as it was for mom, it worked out well for the rest of the family who received a “share” of the paper-wrapped delicacies. All these years later, I reflect on...
By Mary Lou Block, RDN If you are trying to avoid holiday weight gain, you are on to something! Eating at this time of year has its challenges. Kudos, if you are trying to avoid weight gain. The challenges: It hardly seems fair, but recent research indicates that you are more likely to gain during...
By Mary Lou Block, Registered Dietician Nutritionist No one could accuse me of telling you to become vegetarian since my family raises beef. That said, “Eat your vegetables!” If this imperative dredges up images of canned peas flying on imaginary airplanes into your childhood mouth, reconsider. I...
By Mary Lou Block, RDN Apparently, I don’t send my husband to the grocery store often enough. I mean, what other conclusion would you come to when he says, “I wish they made good, old-fashion potato chips like they used to…you know, waffle ones.” I didn’t have the heart to tell him they do, but I...
By Mary Lou Block RDN LMNT Overwhelmed by metabolic risk factors and related health concerns that confound and worry you? Deciphering them is simpler than you think, and it’s the perfect time to begin as we enter 2024. 5 Branches of the Metabolic Tree Metabolic risk factors can be thought of as five...
By Mary Lou Block, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist We get in the holiday mood as soon as the calendar turns to December, but the mood changes when we step on the scale January 1. If this happens to you, make it your mission to approach Christmas and New Year’s celebrations differently. Something...
By Mary Lou Block, Registered Dietician “I am in a bad mood, mom.” “Really? Even in the summer?” We tend to reason away our feelings with the 'bad mood’ excuse, as though this legitimizes our experience. We also tend to be hard on ourselves if we don’t seem to be able to find a good reason to...
By Mary Lou Block, Registered Dietician Isn't it confusing enough? Think again, if you don’t think everything can be spun to lead us in a particular direction. This even holds true in the world of nutrition. Deciphering nutrition is confusing enough. Now add in the possibility of a slant to the...
By Mary Lou Block, Registered Dietician What is something important you can accomplish in 20 minutes? Start a project. Finish a project. Work-out. Research on the internet. Pick up in one room of the house. How about... Sit down and enjoy a meal?!? The last item doesn’t seem like an accomplishment...
By Mary Lou Block RDN LMNT From the Boston Tea Party to the Americana cup of coffee of World War II, we are a coffee loving nation. Case in point, my entire family thrives on it, and holiday time is no exception. Does that resonate with you? Then don’t forget to include coffee on your holiday menu...

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