Nutrition Blog
When I was young I once played the part of Snow White in a play. All was well, until my prince had to plant a grade-school kiss on my face to awaken me from slumber. It is an understatement to say that I was not in the market for romance, so I carefully positioned my head to receive this kiss. No...
By Mary Lou Block, RDN, LMNT A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream is a great Shakespearean comedy, but mid-summer day’s dreams might be great comedies, too. I mean, don’t conversations become a little humorous when summer family togetherness reaches a peak? There have been times this summer I have made a...
By Mary Lou Block RDN, LMNT The long-awaited summer break is in full swing! Woohoo! Usher in the “not a care in the world” mentality, unless you are the one in charge of food for growing appetites. Suddenly, cooking responsibility, rises to a new level and best nutrition intentions fly out the drive...
By Mary Lou Block, RDN, LMNT Of all the things to plant in your garden, it would be greens of some kind. I am sure you make a practice of planting them, since they are so good for liver detoxification, not to mention being chock-full of nutrients. So, as you are thumbing through the selection of...
By Mary Lou Block, RDN LMNT I have to admit, I am more of a wisher than a gardener. Of course, I have enjoyed some wonderful gardens in my life, even ones I have planted. At times the pressure of planting a garden is overwhelming though, and I am tempted to let Farmers Market deliver my produce...
By Mary Lou Block RDN LMNT Ever feel like giving up? Have you been in the battle too many times….to eat better, to lose weight, to begin an exercise program, to…….whatever? It probably doesn’t feel attainable or the effort worth it. Feeling overwhelmed with it all? Remind yourself of history and be...
By Mary Lou Block RDN LMNT Duck Your Head When I tire of watering potted marigolds, I know am ready for fall’s end. But I can’t say I am ready to duck my head for blustery winter winds! Are you? Ducking your head for winter involves more than putting on your hat. If you really want to be ready, ramp...
By Mary Lou Block RDN LMNT Have you frequented a farmer’s market this summer? It’s an addiction for me. I love the social, artistic, and intellectual stimulation of it all, but of all the things I love, real food is at the top of the list. I just can’t help myself when it comes to the rainbow of...
Move over Iceberg lettuce…make way for arugula! By Mary Lou Block RDN LMNT If you have been looking with suspicion at the narrow, jagged leaves of the salad-green labeled arugula, be suspicious no more. You will love the nutty and slightly peppery flavor of this power-packed salad leaf. Besides...
By Mary Lou Block RDN LMNT More than macaroons Ever notice that coconut oil is everywhere these days? I don’t just mean in macaroons! From health food stores to your local grocer, you will find an abundant selection, not just of shredded coconut, but a sweet and versatile counterpart, coconut oil...