Nutrition Blog
Last week we saw how the low-fat diet was popularized. Most importantly, how sugar and carbs increased to make the low-fat diet palatable. To make matters worse, the “criminalization” of fat meant that we ignored the important role it plays in health, and this is certainly true when it comes to...
Who isn’t confused by nutrition related advice these days? In spite of oodles of nutrition research, conflicting recommendations seem to abound. If anything is clear, it is that even medical professionals disagree. Heart health recommendations are not exempt from this confusion. But before you throw...
By Mary Lou Block, RD at Gothenburg Health Find yourself with the Winter Blues? Eat some sauerkraut! Yep, you heard me right. Sauerkraut. If this doesn’t do much to tantalize your lunch pallet, yet you are one who struggles with depression, hear me out. Sauerkraut can do more for depression and...
Health Matters in 2020 Everyone wants to be healthy in 2020! January begins our serious health-promoting efforts. At the top of the list for many is weight. Why? Because the doctor says so, the mirror says so, and we say so! Unfortunately, efforts to control weight, or bring it back into control...
Now that you have your goals in hand, how do you negotiate the food choices this holiday season? Pleasure. As you go through the holidays, focus on things that bring you pleasure in relationships, activities, and the meaning of the season. When you do choose to eat food you would normally not eat...
I heard the question today! It caught me by surprise, but not really, because it’s one we all ask this time of year. “Are you ready for the holidays?” My answer was the same as it often is, “Well, they are here, so I had better be!”, but somewhere deep inside, the truthful answer was “not really.”...
Mary Lou Block RDN LMNT at Gothenburg Health Mindsets are hidden beliefs that affect how we view the world. They limit and direct our choices, determining the outcomes of our day. When mindsets intersect food choices, they can become a help or a hindrance to the achievement of our health goals. The...
Mary Lou Block, RD at Gothenburg Health Have you ever felt like an imposter? Like you are a fraud about to be discovered? I have, and this is how the conversation goes in my head. “They don’t really know the truth about me, how I fail at this and that. If they did, they would probably not like me.”...
If my best friend showed up and offered to help me spring clean, would I let her? Definitely not! I’d probably die of embarrassment, if I had to face some of the “seedier” areas of my winter closets, even with a friend. Probably how you’d feel if I asked to help you spring clean your eating! So I’m...
Recycle those pumpkin and squash seeds! Yep, everyone is quite conscious of recycling these days. You can prove it this fall by recycling pumpkin material from your decorations. Really, this is nothing new, for I’m talking about that old tradition of roasting pumpkin seeds. You know, the ones...